They tested our raspberry syrup

Our raspberry syrups have been tested The Conscious Buyers Association has tested 27 different raspberry syrups available in supermarkets or organic shops based on tested product labels. Including our raspberry syrup. 

Syrup cocktail ideas

FruttaMax szörpkoktél ötletek Hugo Prosecco (gyöngyözőbor) 10 cl 2 cl FruttaMax bodza-lime-menta Szénsavas ásványvíz Mentalevél Zúzott jeget teszünk az italhoz és felöntjük ásványvízzel, majd bárkanállal alaposan átkeverjük. Cranberry Kick 2cl Vodka Fél lime leve 8cl Áfonyalé A hozzávalókat öntsük egy Highball pohárba, és keverjük meg. Díszítsük limeszelettel, és kínáljuk szívószállal. Az ital alkoholtartalma 6-7%. Az […]

Our media appearance in HOT Magazine

We went to MTK Family Day! We went to the MTK Family Day, where Romeo Szentgyörgyi, Andi Fresh, Tibi Csordás, Tamás Palcsó and Lui Magician, as members of the Media Team, tasted our irresistible syrups!

Thank you for the praiseworthy words of!

WE TEST FRUTTA MAX SYRUPS! There are times when a tester is happy to jump into something. Yes, that was our current Frutta Max syrup test, which we got from Yuva's CEO, Ági. What good thing are we doing? Don't think so! We have to taste seven kinds of syrup and over and over again… .. Let's start with the packaging The exterior design is unconscious good!

Inauguration of Bence Apáti

Inauguration of Bence Apáti in Esztergom A lot of Bence Apáti has turned out in recent years, he is a great ballet artist and father, he likes to travel and is a real showman. However, few people know that he loves football and is a committed supporter of the Kispest team. “I’ve been living and dying for football since I was a kid and not only watching, but also enjoying playing with my sons, Mika and Kadosa […]

Adam Solti also chose us

Ádám Solti also chose us Ádám Solti also tasted our syrups! “Very delicious fruity taste, like biting into ripe fruit” Taste it too!

Fruttamax Team Building Training 2017

FruttaMax Team Building Training 2017 Tamás Palcsó, Tamás Katus and Lui Magician also participated in the FruttaMax team building training! They also love our syrups. Have you tasted it yet?

Making FruttaMax Strawberry Glass Yogurt

Making FruttaMax Strawberry Glass YogurtMAKING PREPAR GLASS YOGHURT! MAKING EPRES GLASS YOGHURT Place crushed baby sponge cake in the bottom of a small bowl, then sprinkle with 1 / 2-1 teaspoon of fruit syrup. Pour 1-1.5 glasses of natural yogurt on it, put it in the fridge for a short time, then eat it with half-cut pieces of strawberries before serving. The explosion of the strawberry bomb in the mouth is guaranteed!